Some Introductions

Anyone who was intrigue by this picture of a cute kitten raise your hand!~ Hi all~ My name is Sanakan, and our beloved urdzy *wink wink* has given me the honor of doing a release for you guys!:D Who am I you might ask? First of all, I love cats and think of them as gods....oh and if any of you have been diligent in glancing/skimming through our credits page you might have seen my name before, or in this new release for that matter!^.~ (If any of you do know me from before...*gives high five*!) Anyways, I might being doing more of this 'release new chapter to the masses' thingy in the future so please bear with me~ Now, onwards to the good stuff! But first, we interrupt our regular program with a special message from the kitten gods: I'm going to keep posting this in annoying bright big letters until someone comes to save us - SAVE US! ^.~ WE NEED J->E and K->E TRANSLATORS AND CLEANERS/EDITORS! Ano Ko to Issho volume 05 chapter 16: N...