
Forbidden Garden is a non-profit fan service scanlation group who's sole purpose is to release quality scanned manga that has not been licensed in the english language.  One of our intents is to scanlate more mature themed Japanese/Chinese/Korean based mangas into the English language for fans like ourselves.  Because of the nature of mature themes, Forbidden Garden and it's staff cannot be held accountable for any harm that may come from reading these scans.  All original works belong to the author of the manga we scanlate, and Forbidden Garden does not claim any right to them.  We are also not responsible for any damages that might occur during and after the download to any of our releases.  Meaning that if our downloads somehow become infected with viruses, malware, or spyware it is not our problem to fix.  Note that viruses run abundant on the internet, thus an anti-virus program may be beneficial for you.  Please do not copy any text displayed on Forbidden Garden's site/forum unless given permission first.  The images on this website were also designed by members of our team, so please do not reproduce or use them without the webmaster's permission.  Do not distribute, copy, or change any of our scan releases without the permission of Forbidden Garden.  

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