Think and Wonder, Wonder and Think.

Image by Sakurai Energy

Guys let's sit down and have a little heart to heart. 
We need help. Even if you can only offer your services for a chapter or two we desperately need your help. 

A lot of FG's staff are either in the midst of finals or real life has taken over and we are having a major pile-up in pretty much every field. So please even if you only have time to help for a chapter or two please contact me and help~ ;___;

TRANSLATORS - J->E and K->E wanted! We have quite a few current projects that could benefit from having a second translator on it and we've got more than enough upcoming/future projects that need some translator lovin'!

PROOFREADERS - Knowing Japanese isn't a requirement, but a plus. Needs to be able to turn a script in 24-48 hours. Also having a college-level understanding of the English language would be helpful.

CLEANERS - Experience not necessary, but Photoshop is a must!

And that's it! If we could just get some awesome people to fill those positions we would be sitting pretty! So join today~!!!

Today we're bringing you the first chapter from our newest series Poison Berry in my Brain from the oh-so-awesome Mizushiro Setona (who brought you such goodies as Shitsuren Chocolatier, Kuro Bara Alice, and After School Nightmare)!


1. Nounai Poison Berry volume 01 chapter 01 - This is a story about girl who (like most of us) over-thinks every aspect of her life. But instead of just internal monologue it's played out by an actual committee who discuss and wager on everything she does. Personally I have a Hatoko and a Ikeda going back and forth the majority of the time. How about you? What do your voices say? ;)

If you are an uploader and are currently reading this message, please I beg of you, just don't upload. Just think every time you break the rules urdzy has to spend editing time enforcing rules, so please think of urdzy. Also, just in case some of you are having trouble locating the pass today here's a tiny hint - its four letters (all capitalized) with an exclamation point at the end. So, _ _ _ _ ! Good luck!


  1. OMG SO CUTE :) thanks for the chapter!

  2. What a lovely series! Thank you so much! For me I got a Yoshida, Ikeda and Kishi, sometimes there's an Ishibashi and a Hatoko. xD

  3. OMG Mizushiro sensei's newmanga is SO adorable & hilarious! I really enjoyed the first chapter! Thanks so much for working on Nounai Poison Berry!!!

  4. Hope you will find new staff members quickly!!! Good luck!!
    Thank you for the release!!

  5. Thank you so very much for Nounai Poison Berry!
    I love all of Mizushiro-sensei's works!


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