The Vacation

Image by the-only-halo

You may have heard (probably not though) that recently (like during the summer so not really recently now) I went on a kids-free vacation consisting of four whole days of adult fun - amazing I know.

Now I could tell you stories of all the wonderful fun we did have, like floating down the river drinking and laughing and navigating through the wilderness. Or how about going deep DEEP into these caves which had these AMAZING formations that had been in existence so long that it made my head hurt to try to wrap around how old they were. Or I could tell you about all the wining and dining and romance that poured from my husband.

But honestly that's not what you're here for, (well if I was being completely honest you're not really here to hear about this story either - but you're gonna get it!) So we had the (mis)fortune to believe that it would be fun to travel with my sister and her boyfriend. Nothing up to this day had ever pointed to this being a bad decision. He (at every opportunity) had shown himself to be kind, considerate, smart, and all-around-good-guy. This quickly crumbled on our trip.

I think our first indication that maybe maybe this might not have been the best decision was when we were trying to decide where to eat the first night. My sister's boyfriend (we'll call him jerk-face) had proclaimed that he wouldn't nay couldn't go out to eat at a chain restaurant. Now normally I would have said 'fine, let's see what this new town has in store' BUT we had been traveling for 6 hours and it was 10 o'clock at night. Any of the cute "hometown" restaurants were closed. All of the major chains were of course open. It seems to me that the logical thing would have been to just call it one night and eat what we can so we could have fun tomorrow. But OH NO mr. jerk-face HAD to have a non-chain restaurant. So we searched for about 15-30 minutes till finally I just wanted to eat and get to bed. He then had the audacity to start complaining about how the town we were in was obviously not as good as this other town (45 minutes away) and how we should go there. Tonight. As in right now.
I, of course, put my foot down and we went to a chipotle's (or something like that).

Day two didn't fare any better. The morning was fine (great actually) but then we're going on the sight-seeing portion of our vacation when I start feeling extremely sick. (Like me puking in bushes sick.) So I sit so hopefully I can get my stomach under me and we can continue, because who's a trooper - me.
But then I heard continuous whining about why we weren't going yet and yadda-yadda. Blarg. (Blarg is also the word you'll need to open your presents for today!)
I did get my stomach under me and we went on to have an okay afternoon but then it was time to go back to the hotel. Everyone felt it, it had been a long hot day and we all needed baths and time apart. But oh no mr. I-need-to-experience-everything-but-can't-say-I-want-to-till-the-last-moment suddenly decided that NO we can't leave yet. So we trudged around some more - miserable - until finally I said let's grab some ice cream and vamoose. We quickly all ate our ice cream and was going to get up to limp back to the car when mr. jerkface announces that HE isn't done eating yet. (Not like it's in a portable container or anything...) so we sit there in the blistering heat while he SLOOOOWLY eats his frackin' ice cream. And when I say slow I mean he would purposely slowly scoop the ice cream and place it between his lips and slowly let each morsel melt. It was the most disgusting thing that I had seen out of a 38 year old man. My 6 year old son has more manners than to pout like that...but moving on...

Day 3
One of the big attractions for this vacation was that we were going to meet up with some friends and go floating down the river - fun stuff right? Well mr jerkface decides that he doesn't want to go floating and he's going to make it horrible for every other person on the float. And then...
he whines about how we should have gone to the town (45 minutes away) to get cupcakes instead.

So for the duration of the trip back I was a passive-agressive cow and played rap the entire way back.
(He hates HATES rap.) mwaha ha haha.

Now that I've talked your ears off and you've bypassed this whole message let's get down to business!

I am in a Nursing Program which means that when I'm not in school, doing clinicals, spending time with my kids/husband/family, or eating (whatever I can run with), I'm studying (notice I didn't say sleeping - I miss sleep!)
So even if you can only give me one chapter I would be so SO appreciative. Need of cleaners, j-e translators, and k-e translators. HELP HELP HELP!!!!


1. HER chapter 2

Download || Read Online

2. Nounai Poison Berry volume 02 chapter 07

Download || Read Online

If you read through the whole post you get mad brownie points!
And if you answer our ad, you get hugs and kisses (and some brownie points too!)


  1. Ooh, where'd you go? Except for the absolutely HORRIBLE vacation group member, the caves and river thing are what I'm wanting to do for my big 30th birthday trip next year (I like to take little vacations with the excuse of it being my birthday rather than do parties or whatever). I've been talking with my dad about the area around Chattanooga or the Blue Ridge Parkway area, but I've never actually done this kind of thing before.

    Also, thanks for the releases! :)

    1. We're A LOT more south than TN - but I would def recommend it! The caves were awesome, and the floating was SO pretty. I would suggest on the floating (and caves) that the earlier the better - that way you not only beat the crowds but also the heat!

    2. Nice to know! I live in Florida, so I've not had many opportunities to explore mountains and caves and such. If there's places in Georgia, all the better... less time traveling to get there :D

  2. PS: It looks like the HER download link is just... "download". Intentional?

    1. Sorry about that! Totally not intentional - I was just in a hurry this morning. Hopefully its all fixed now~

  3. Yep, I get the same thing: http://download/ . Sorry about your vaca, that would be really sad if that fruit cake became a part of your extended family...

    1. Sorry about the download - hopefully it's fixed now, if not just let me know ^^
      Yeah, it kinda looks like he's here to stay (at least for now) - but at least we've learned our lesson and we just won't go on vacations with him. ^^;;

  4. Thank you SO VERY MUCH for the new Poison Berry chapter! I really love this manga!!! >_<
    P.S. I hope you'll have better luck next time! - don't have to invite Mr.Jerk-face ever again! *^*

    1. Yay! I'm glad you like it! It's one of my favs too! ^^
      And true that~

  5. Thank youuuu!! I love youuuuu!! You made my day great with Nounai >.<

    1. *happy dance* I'm glad you had a brighter day!

  6. Here's hoping that his ass is swiftly dumped.

    1. lol~ we'll see, but I think he's gonna be around for a bit...>.<

  7. i hope your sister broke up with mr. jerkface. he's fucked up and even worse than any whiny women i ever met. i think he's just a spoiled brat that still sucks mamma's breast at night. that's why his 'needs' must be fulfilled or he'll cry the hell outta someone.

    thanks a lot for all the hard works!!! i think i'll give it a try doing cleaning. what should i do?

    1. Hi Shima!
      We would love your help - just email me at and we can talk from there. ^^

  8. Wow...he does sound like a jerkface. Hope your next vacation is mr. jerkface-free.

    Thanks for the hard work!

  9. thanks so much for the new chapter of Nounai Poison Berry♡♥♡ much appreciated!!
    and im sorry to hear about mr.jerk-face :/

  10. oh's sad that your trip was ruined by could always advise your sister to dump him...or never go on a vacation with them again...
    Thank you for the releases!

  11. It's ALWAYS a bad idea to double-date on a trip. Getting exposure to your siblings' boyfriends/girlfriends in small doses is ok, but not when you're going to be cooped up in a car/plane/vehicle of choice with them for hours upon hours upon hours upon hours! But the one thing I've learned from my own experiences with my younger's narcissistic (though justifiably beautiful) girlfriend is that you still have to grit your teeth and be civil, even if you feel like dunking said person's head in the nearest toilet bowl. Your sister's the one in the relationship with him, and so I wouldn't take anybody's advice to tell your sister to dump the guy (Sorry Dragon). I just would opt out of a trip next time (and maybe joke about thoughts of any outing with the guy inducing barfing symptoms in you.)

    Anyway, lovely projects you have here. I follow them in Japanese, but I'm just glad you guys are finally taking a slight (though tentative) step away from the average shoujo mill and doing what your group was intended to do: lovely Josei. Good luck. :)

  12. No problem Stiletto Heels! I put out there because there are sisters that can say everything to each other and accept advices from each other! My sister and I are like that! We can disagree but we never get mad at each other for saying things we don't like to hear...

  13. UGH! I know how you feel urdzy! I went on a trip before with this one guy who was my dad's 'important' colleague. At first he seemed like the all knowing type of guy, confident and stuff..but as the trip went on he went from that to a whiny 10-year-old where everyone had to wait for him to go to the toilet, he keep asking us where this and that was, and...ugh! So immature!

    Seriously, if you want to know someone's true personality...go on a trip with them...XD

  14. Thank you thank you * gets on my knees and says thanks for your hard work and the new poison berry chapter*

  15. That dude needs a karma backhand as well as a trip to manners boot camp. 38 years old and eating ice cream like that? He was probably pretending his mother was feeding it to him *eye roll*

  16. Great releases! Pw hunt was fun too. ) Thanks a lot!
    Fastidious men are a pain in the asssss. )))
    Hope you'll get your share of sleep.

  17. Pw hunt is obnoxious

  18. Guys, tell me please the password for HER, i can't download it ;__;


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