Christmas Crack

I'm so excited not to be in school right now!!!!

You will all be happy to know that I made it through my first semester in nursing! Yay me! How'd all of your finals go? Are you guys as ecstatic to be done for the year??? And how is the end of the year treating you? Are you gonna party like JT up there? ;)

Anywho - since finishing my finals I've embraced my husband and kids and have cried tears of joy just from being in their presence.  We finally put up our christmas decorations and it really was an amazing experience since I haven't seen my family in so long. (Nursing has to be one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life - really rewarding and fascinating - just hard.) I've also started to catch up on my series that I've had staring at me from my DVR for the past few months. (LOVE The Mindy Project!) Then I have started to work on FG projects (I promise I'm doing the best I can). BUT! All of these things haven't had as big of a pull as one thing - one big shiny thing - my k-dramas. I had almost forgotten how much they can suck me in and how quickly. I just innocently thought that I would watch one (JUST ONE) just to, ya know, take a breather from life. And then BAM! I'm right back to wanting to devour everything about the shows - and if that means getting even less sleep then I did when I was studying THEN THAT'S WHAT I'LL HAVE TO DO!

Christmas crack? I think so.

But that all being said, we want to wish everyone happy holidays. And I hope you all get to hold your loved ones near. And to FG's staff, you are all amazing people. I really can't say enough about how each of you touches my heart. Even though I haven't been as productive lately on FG, you guys are still here and still willing to spend your time to help FG. Thank you thank you for all you do!

I don't really have a lot of releases, I'm going to try to pump out as many as I can over this break - but at some point I'm probably going to go back to my hidey-hole to study.  So if anyone out there is proficient  in editing or cleaning or is a j-e translating genius and wants to help out just for this break, please email me. I'd really like to get out as many chapters as we can while we can.

BTW, I had a password hunt for this one, but I guess mediafire isn't doing passwords anymore (or I haven't had enough sleep to find out how to do it). So if you want me to put it in just for fun anyway just let me know and I'll put it back in - otherwise, enjoy your holiday!


1. Caramel Kiss volume 04 chapter extra: Koigami~Love God *end project*
Thank you to all the wonderful souls that worked on this project: Mizi, jandek, Mark, donyusufahmed, sekushibijin84, toppichu, urdzy, Claer, Shinsou, Ba-Banana, Miki, gisaku-chan, aina25, Sanakan, and Ivorena! Thank you~~~ <3

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  1. Happy Holidays!
    Thank you for all of your work! All the best!

  2. Mindy and Danny are my weakness in this show. I'm definitely rooting for these two! I love them together, especially during that last episode of Season 1 and that almost-wedding epi early Season 2.


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