Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy Mobius

    I'm so excited to find out that there's a cellphone Final Fantasy game!  XD  I've always loved Final Fantasy.  I started with Final Fantasy VII.  Square Enix has the best graphics I've ever seen and I love their story lines too.
    From what I gather this game has updates and the story is continuous...I think so anyway.  So far I like the game and don't have any complaints.  I will admit it's been some time since I played an actual game and I do find it a bit confusing to get used to in the beginning.  There are a lot of things to learn in the tutorial and it all comes at you at the start of the game.  

Check it out if you like Final Fantasy!  Now, onward to the releases.  Surprise!  It's all about Piece this month, so enjoy. ^_^

New Releases!
Piece v05c10-part 2
Piece v05c11-part 1


  1. Thanks so much for the releases! :D

  2. I started playing the FF series from the very first game on an emulator. But unlike you I stopped at FF10. FFVII was so richly fulfilling story-wise that everything else that came after just paled in comparison. That's when I stopped playing PERIOD. The FF7 remake came years too late. I've stopped playing videogames ages ago and have moved onto other hobbies. But I'll always have fond memories. Cell game sounds good but I wouldn't have time for a life if I played lol. I scanlate too.

    So glad you guys are still around. Piece is a good series.

    All the best!

  3. The more I read Piece the more I want the next chapter.. Thank you for your hard work and releases :)

  4. The more I read Piece the more I want the next chapter.. Thank you for your hard work and releases :)

  5. Thank you for the release!
    oh my...I didn't know there was a cellphone game for final's my favorite game! I will check it out!

  6. Thanks so much for the release of Piece! I'm glad you guys have decided to go with keeping download links for us, it's much appreciated. Until the next time!

  7. Thank you for the double release of piece. This manga is so great >w<


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