boom goes the dynamite.

Me after the holidays.

And there goes January...
Thank you to everyone that has sent encouraging messages and worried letters to us. It was so amazing to hear your messages! So thank you for worrying~ XD

Real life snuck up on me and pretty much threw me for a loop. After experiencing wave after wave of illness in my little family, and then being in the hospital for a few days, and issues with my son's school - let's just say life took over.
BUT that doesn't mean that the staff hasn't been working! They still have been turning in chapters and working just as diligently. So as soon as I can catch up on qcing we'll make up for last months absence.


17 Sai no Mama - Yep. Cursed. Although it has probably been apparent for awhile - we are officially dropping this project.  I've put up the translations for chapter 03 that our amazing little CherryBerry did forever and a day ago. The term you are seeking is palamecia. So if anyone else wants to pick up this project and continue it, feel free to use those translations, just be sure to credit CherryBerry! :)

Ano Ko to Issho - We had been facing the idea of putting this project on hold because we didn't have raws past volume 4.  But then a shining angel (in the form of Tessa from Evil Flowers) came to our rescue! So we now have the entire set and are in full speed ahead mode! If you have the chance to stop by Evil Flowers please do and give Tessa a BIG hug for giving these to us - seriously. ;)

Bitou Lollipop - Just in case you haven't heard, our joint partners for Bitou lost a lot of their work in a freak accident. So pretty much this is in progress, but it may take a bit for them to rework it on their end.

Caramel Kiss - Almost completely done with translations! And after that it's smooth sailing till the end~

Colorful Pallet - I had to pull seku, who is the scanner/translator/cleaner for this project (yes, she is that awesome),  from her work on this to help me with another project. So as soon as we can this project will be back up and running.

Flower - Needs additional translators. So any C->E or J->E translators interested?

Hyper Baby - We actually have this completely translated and almost done with complete editing. Will be finished up soon.

Issho ni Neyou yo - DDD is having technical difficulties atm, and we have no more raws for this. If someone would like to give us raws (or even just send us the book and we can scan it in) we would be more than happy to get back to work. Until then, expect a wait.

Otomentaru - We have one more chapter left and it's done. Unfortunately, we had a staff member poof on us unexpectedly that was in charge of this last chapter. BUT! Our dear former staff member uyensdolly has come back to us and is currently working hard to get this all pretty!

Para Paru - Not much to say - we're still working on it. 

Raspberry Field no Majo - Should have a chapter by the end of the month.

Sakura Ryou March - Just waiting on our joint partners to finish up the typesetting and we'll be done with this project. 

Zig Zag Don - If all goes to plan, I expect this project to be complete within the next the next 3 months.

And before I let you go completely---
WE NEED CLEANERS/EDITORS! So apply and save the world.


1. Caramel Kiss volume 03 chapter 14 - A part of me is rooting for Maria and her crazy self to take Riku away - just take him.

2. Para Paru volume 03 chapter 15 - "You call entering you sex?!" Doesn't everyone??! o.O
The end of volume 03! Off to work on volume 04~

3. 17 Sai no Mama Chapter 03 Translations - Please remember if you use this to credit CherryBerry. ^^

4. Ano Ko to Issho volume 03 Chapter 10 - This is for Tessa - thank you again~

5. Hyper Baby volume 02 Chapter 10 - Maria gives her heart away~

If you are an uploader and are currently reading this message, please I beg of you, just don't upload. Just think every time you break the rules urdzy has to spend editing time enforcing rules, so please think of urdzy.


  1. Is the hint for the password there? There's not a lot to read this time.

  2. yay, thank you for the release!! (finally found it... :P ... i was putting random words for the password ...)

  3. Really? I can't find it anywhere, and I'm plugging in any word that remotely stands out I can find. Is it in the first paragraph at least? :(

  4. Yes *w* Meru x Yuu

  5. Hmm? I'm a bit confused, where's that, the picture? Someone give me like the first letter or something of the word please :(

  6. I can't find it! I read and read, and try different word, but i can't find it!!

  7. thank you for the releases

  8. Thank you for your hard work! I rarely post thanks on forum, but i think you really deserve it. I even feel ashamed for no having done it sooner ( i don't know if it's grammatically correct, i'm french... -_-').
    Anyway, thank you very much :)

  9. i can't find the password. help me please. :c

  10. Mwahahaha! So glad to see you back (and that all is mostly well), as well as the awesome passwords! Miraculously enough, I got it on the first try because, well, I looked at the word and it was clear as day (to me) that it was the password. So sneaky and clever though! Of course, I've always loved word puzzles ;)
    The news about Ano Ko to Issho almost gave me a heart attack, but thanks to Tessa, I'm okay and relieved. She'll definitely be getting my heartfelt thanks when I'm over there.

    Thank you for the releases!

  11. OMG!!! This is the first time i got the password!! yayy happy
    Thank you for the new releases guys <3

  12. Gah, I can't do it, nothing stands out to me in the first paragraph and I keep trying anything that remotely seems different :(

  13. I'm sorry but I can't figure out the password.. I reread the passage several times and tried as many words as I could. Any hint please? :(

  14. You're welcomed guys! I'm happy I could be of help :) . And you shouldn't have credited me, it's not like I scanned these, just shared them after finding them in a raw site XD. Enjoy working on this! :D

  15. ok, this time the password was ok ^^ thank you!

  16. What is that password? I cannot seem to find it

  17. password please ;(

  18. Password is palamecia


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