She Works Hard For The Money
Just three quick things to talk about this week~ First I can't remember if I've thanked everyone who has offered to help us recently, but really thank you! We've gotten a couple new staff members on board (and a couple of free-lance) and so a couple of your favorite series should have a jumpstart coming soon! ^^ So welcome and many thanks to - saebyeog, Heidi, Prawr, ethelk, Osoyuri, and Textile! I will get those of you that have joined on the staff page and such asap (if I don't by this Friday feel free to poke me pointed sticks) Second, even though we did have these amazing people join - we still need more help. Please look over this list for all of our openings. And last (and personally) I'm celebrating something totally awesome and not related to FG in the slightest- I was accepted into the school of nursing! So starting this fall I'm going to a whole new wardrobe (scrubs) and be one step closer to my career. I'm super-excited and have been ce...