What is Forbidden Garden?
Forbidden Garden is a scanlation group that started June 14, 2008.

What is scanlation?
Hello my new friend, let me introduce you to google.  Now run along and have a long and wonderful relationship together. (^_−)☆

So, what kind of projects do you do?
We currently scanlate shoujo, mature, josei, and romance.  Although, if you have the raws (and a translator to go with them) we will consider doing pretty much anything.

How do I get to your releases?
Unfortunately, we no longer have an online reader and many of the download links on older works are outdated.  There is no other way to read the older works unless another site has them.

What image is this?

This image is from our project Cherries Fight.
Download Here and Read Online Here

Can we host your projects?
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: We no longer allow for online viewer sites/sites that host english-licensed materials to host our projects.  If you are a site that this applies to, please delete our projects, or if you happen to notice a site that is hosting our projects please contact us.  Thank you.
If you have any further concerns please send an email to us at forbidden_garden@live.com.

Can we do a joint with Forbidden Garden?
Joint Rules are as follows:

  1. If you want to do a joint - either pm or email us.
  2. All of our "special pages" (recruitment, birthdays, etc.) must be included in the release.
  3. We no longer allow for projects to be hosted on sites that have english-licensed material.
  4. The project can't be licensed in the language we are scanlating in.
  5. Make sure that the project is not currently being done by another group.
  6. Place us as your affiliates.
  7. Give credit to staff and to Forbidden Garden.
  8. Be prepared to provide either a translator or an editor for your portion of the joint.
If you have any further questions or want to do a joint with us, feel free to contact us.

Can we translate your scanlation into another language?
Send me an email.  I will only allow one group per project to translate.  So first come, first serve. 
Re-translation Rules are:

  1. Indicate on the project page that we are the english group + have a link to Forbidden Garden.
  2. Indicate on your group's site that we are the english scanlation of the project.
  3. All of our "special pages" (recruitment, birthdays, etc) must be included in the release.
  4. The project can't be licensed in the language you are scanlating in.
  5. Make sure that the project is not on the current/upcoming/future list of any other group.
  6. Place us as your affiliates.
  7. Give credit to staff and to Forbidden Garden.
  8. Indicate on your credits page that we are the scanner.
If you meet all of those requirements and you have any further questions, just contact us.

Do you have an IRC?

Your email is again...?

Can I make a banner?
Please do!! It's only by the awesome talents of you guys that we have pretty banners at all.

Why do you currently only scanlate shoujo and josei?
Because that's what interests us.

How come all of your projects are so lame?  I want you to translate [insert name].
Are YOU contributing anything to Forbidden Garden? No? Then get to steppin'!

Why didn't you respond to my email? 
I'm sorry, that's mostly my fault.  I have a bad tendency of opening messages and then getting distracted before I answer it.  If I don't write you back in a couple days time, feel free to email me again.

Why did you drop or are taking forever on [insert project name]?
If you would like to provide usable scans/translators/editors for said project then we will be more than willing to pick it back up.  But until then - tough it out.

If you have any other questions or concerns feel free to email me.

Disclaimer: Forbidden Garden is a non-profit fan service scanlation group who's sole purpose is to release quality scanned manga that has not been licensed in the english language.  One of our intents is to scanlate more mature themed Japanese/Chinese/Korean based mangas into the English language for fans like ourselves.  Because of the nature of mature themes, Forbidden Garden and it's staff cannot be held accountable for any harm that may come from reading these scans.  All original works belong to the author of the manga we scanlate, and Forbidden Garden does not claim any right to them.  We are also not responsible for any damages that might occur during and after the download to any of our releases.  Meaning that if our downloads somehow become infected with viruses, malware, or spyware it is not our problem to fix.  Noter that viruses run abundant on the internet, thus an anti-virus program may be beneficial for you.  Please do not copy any text displayed on Forbidden Garden's site/forum unless given permission first.  The images on this website were also designed by members of our team, so please do not reproduce or use them without the webmaster's permission.  Do not distribute, copy, or change any of our scan releases without the permission of Forbidden Garden.  

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