Think and Wonder, Wonder and Think.
Image by Sakurai Energy Guys let's sit down and have a little heart to heart. We need help. Even if you can only offer your services for a chapter or two we desperately need your help. A lot of FG's staff are either in the midst of finals or real life has taken over and we are having a major pile-up in pretty much every field. So please even if you only have time to help for a chapter or two please contact me and help~ ;___; TRANSLATORS - J->E and K->E wanted! We have quite a few current projects that could benefit from having a second translator on it and we've got more than enough upcoming/future projects that need some translator lovin'! PROOFREADERS - Knowing Japanese isn't a requirement, but a plus. Needs to be able to turn a script in 24-48 hours. Also having a college-level understanding of the English language would be helpful. CLEANERS - Experience not necessary, but Photoshop is a must! And that's it! If we cou...